
Here are three locally written (Malaysian) and very helpful resources you must check out. You Walk, He Leads is a book on discerning, aligning and walking in God’s will. More Than Just Position is a Bible study material on selected kings of Israel and the lessons you can learn from their rule. Before ER is a booklet about every church’s need for health and what pastors and leaders need to do to have it.

You Walk, He Leads: Discerning, Aligning & Walking in God’s Will (Book)

The book questions the common teaching about trying to discover God’s will by following a certain number of steps. Instead, the book argues that God’s will is discerned by walking in relationship with Him. This is evidenced from the many biblical examples of men and women of faith. Most of them did not go out […]

More Than Just Position (Bible Study)

Although the series of studies are based on the lives of the kings of Israel and Judah it is not just about leadership nor is it only for leaders. The lessons are applicable for believers across the spectrum of life’s roles and responsibilities; at our workplace, home and church. The themes in the studies include the use […]

Before ER: A Call to Church Health (Booklet)

A booklet to help pastors and church leaders understand the fundamental need for church health—if a church is to grow and effectively fulfil the Great Commission. What does a healthy church look like? How do we determined the health of a church? What does a church do if it is found to be unhealthy? These are some of […]