Sabbatical for Pastors (Part 2): 7 Reasons

In Part 1 of my blog post on Sabbatical for Pastors I shared my findings on how widely (or rather, uncommonly) this is practised among churches in Malaysia. In this follow-up post I’ll give you my reasons for rooting for Sabbatical for Pastors.

The main contention against Sabbaticals is that, well, the rest of the people in the church don’t get one where they work (unless they are professors in an university). So, why should pastors get one?

What most don’t realise is that a pastor’s work is one of the most emotionally, mentally and spiritually taxing jobs in the world. For that, they need a Sabbatical to revitalise them, that a short vacation cannot do. They need an extended time away from an environment that drains them; and to spend that time in a different environment that can provide them with renewal in their body, soul and spirit. (By the way, I think that others like social workers and psychiatrists should also get sabbatical leave.)

Many cannot appreciate that the pastoral ministry is that demanding. They contend that someone who is responsible for hundreds of employees and accountable to shareholders and Boards for the bottom line has an equally (if not, more) stressful job. It is not my intention to get into a debate over this. However, I am yet to hear anyone who had moved from his or her “secular” job to become a full-time pastor say that the latter is less stressful than the former. In fact, the reverse is more accurate. Some have even secretly entertained the thought, “Why did I give up my job to work in the church?” (I know I did! And probably more times than I want to admit.)

Someone wrote to me after reading my previous post: “Israel didn’t give the land sabbatical rest for 490 years as God had commanded. This resulted in 70 years of exile; one year for every seven years.” Now, that’s a thought for us to think on.

Here are my reasons churches need to give their pastors sabbatical leave:

  1. The pastor’s job often takes a toll on him* emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The Sabbatical is to give time to the pastor for personal renewal in all departments of his life. (*This also applies to female pastors, and the following statements should be read accordingly.)
  2. The pastor’s job not only takes a toll on him but also on his whole family in the same three areas mentioned above. It is not unusual for the wife and the children to be affected even more than the pastor. The Sabbatical in part is to give time for the pastor to have more quality time with his family.
  3. A properly utilised Sabbatical will empower the pastor for future ministry. A well-rested person (in body, mind and emotions) is obviously better able to handle the challenges of the pastoral ministry than one who is running on empty (or even, half-empty).
  4. A spiritually renewed pastor afforded through a Sabbatical will be able to provide better spiritual nurture and leadership to his church when he returns.
  5. The study and training acquired during the Sabbatical will further equip the pastor to serve his church.
  6. The pastor and his family will feel loved and affirmed when the church understands their pastor’s and family’s needs. Giving their pastor a Sabbatical shows in a tangible way that they do.
  7. It provides an opportunity for the leaders of the church to rise up to fill the gap during the pastor’s absence. In a larger church where there are multiple pastoral staff, it provides an opportunity for the second-man to step up. A step, perhaps, towards succession planning.

My four months Sabbatical in 2000 when I serving at Georgetown Baptist Church was possibly the best I’ve ever had. I started my Sabbatical browned-out from ministry and running-on-empty (or rather, running-on-reserves). I returned refreshed, changed and better equipped for ministry. Even my preaching style changed! The Sabbatical led to the best and most fruitful seven years of ministry ever at GBC!

Read the next blog post on what to include in a Sabbatical Policy. The need for this is to prevent misunderstanding and to give clarity on what a pastor’s sabbatical leave entails.

2 thoughts on “Sabbatical for Pastors (Part 2): 7 Reasons

  1. • I concur that sabbatical is needful for a pastor. It will help him to be rejuvenated!
    • Not only that, it can help the church too. Why? Because it allows the pastor to visit other churches which would otherwise not be possible. There are always new things a pastor can learn from certain helpful practices of other churches.
    • While on sabbatical a few years ago, I witnessed a church with young kids (assisted by moms and Sunday school teachers), who were tasked with offering collection.
    Well, it inspired me to roster an 8-year old girl to read the Scriptures publicly upon my return from my sabbatical leave. She did very well indeed! I think the church was encouraged too that opportunity was given to a very young person to serve in the church.
    • Another good outcome is that it will allow the pastor the free time to undertake a project that he may have dreamed of.
    • In my situation, I was glad to be able to write the 30-day daily devotional to bless the church.
    • Sabbatical is good for the whole family! They can enjoy the bonding while on, for example, an extended vacation without having to think about ministry the week after! The pastor’s family will surely appreciate the kindness of the church in extending the sabbatical leave.
    • Here’s a downside – there are times when a church may impose certain conditions in granting the sabbatical leave, e.g. write a report, take a study course, etc. Don’t make the pastor work too hard on sabbatical 🙂
    I suspect the imposition of the conditions may be due to the church paying the pastor’s salary while on sabbatical.
    In my opinion, I feel greater latitude and space perhaps should be given to the pastor while he/she is on sabbatical.
    Trust the pastor to use the time well for self and family.
    Remember, the church will gain too in the end when the pastor returns with fresh energy, ideas gleaned from churches that he/she visits, etc.

    • Hi Robert,
      Thank you for your comments. Visiting other churches and learning from them (even if its just observation at their Sunday services) can be so invaluable. I am glad you had a very useful and meaningful sabbatical–not to mention how it also blessed your family.

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